Please contribute to help us to provide flights to people with disabilities, which costs about $100.00 per flight. We hope to provide one flight day, of 10 flights per month starting by the end of 2025!
We have received our 501(c)3 Public Charity status from the Internal Revenue Service. IRS Pub 557 indicates that the effective date of our exemption will be retroactive to our date of incorporation which is June 3, 2021. Donations may be tax exempt.
IRS EIN # 87-1307285
Through our partnership with Tucson Soaring Club we are able to provide more flights per day with the same costs. Tucson Soaring Club will be providing the sailplanes, pilots and airport and Freedom's Wings Arizona will be paying for the airplane tows. This allows both organization to provide twice the number of inspirational flights per day.
Partnering with the Tucson Soaring Club and flying at The El Tiro Gliderport, west of Marana, AZ